Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good or bad update??

So PC updated my toolkit to say that they sent me a very important letter on March 21 and that my medical account is now on hold. While I'm thrilled that they have at least started my review, I'm praying the news is not bad, or at least not as expensive as my dental review. I'll fill you in once I get the letter :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Another Week...Slight Progress

Based on my one of my previous posts, I took the advice of several people (thanks) and sent out 2 emails, one to OMS and the other to CYD Placement.

OMS: I sent the email Sunday night, I got a phone call at 8:30am the next morning! (impressive) She was really nice and informed me that I was "theirs" during service so they needed to know about each and every allergy. "unknown" as my doctor eloquently stated would not work! So I had to figure out if I was allergic to shellfish immediately and my doctor needed to complete the form again.

So one of my favorite girlfriends came over that night as we tried chicken and shrimp fried rice. I had a wonderful time fellow-shipping with her. I was okay that night (or so I thought)...yes allergy gone!! SIKE. In the morning my throat was itching and I felt so weird. I took some benedryl and immediately felt better. I had leftover chicken and shrimp fried rice the next day and tried some shrimp again---similar reaction but more immediate. Sigh the allergy was definitely still there. So I called my doctors office and they will redo the form (thank God I made copies of everything!)Hopefully I will fax this back to OMS by Monday....

CYD Placement: I really like this lady for some reason. She informed me that I'll have a 2 part review 6-8 weeks after I medically clear (so much for my timeline lrl)She also told me that I would not be tested on my language, they would just verify that I followed through on gaining the level of proficiency required. She also told me to potentially volunteer with an HIV/AIDS org, complete grassroots level work with outreach & education, work with youth, teach or develop ESL skills. (other than the HIV/AIDs and ESL, I definitely do this everyday!)

Legal: BTW I had a legal hold on my account and I had no clue why. After reading Serah's blog, I asked her for the legal department's number. After calling and speaking to another awesome guy (too bad I cannot remember any names) I had a check where the hold had been the next day =)

BTW one of my guardian angels (you will probably see me refer to my family and friends as guardian angels because I believe God has placed them in my life to challenge, guide, && inspire me on my path) blessed me with monetary funds for my PC journey. She had NO idea how on time this was.

So today, encouraged by my progress with my medical packet/legal and my guardian angel's card, I decided to figure out what I could do about these 2 fillings I needed. I called several places but because my insurance only offers a discount program....I am looking at about $300-$400 for these 2 fillings. I was overly discouraged by this but God will provide I'm positive of this so I will hopefully do some research on Monday.

In the meantime, I'll focus on more budget cuts (as if I buy anything outside of groceries and gas as it is) for this upcoming dentist appointment, continue studying Spanish, and keep praying that I will be able to leave August 2011 for my original nomination =)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Another Check on My PC Screen

Its been a week... I wish I could have updated my blog sooner but my job has decided to block more reading PC blogs during lunch #blankstare

Anyways, I was pleasantly surprised to find an email from PC saying that they had updated my toolkit...they received my medical packet on March 9. #success

The only issue is that I am sure I will get a phone call because my doctor didn't really answer the question about my shellfish allergy. Because, we do not really know if I am still allergic. So, I am supposed to go out and try it on my own. Through this so far I have discovered that I am not allergic to tilapia and salmon =) on deck...shrimp fried rice...hopefully my throat doesn't close up and my face doesn't swell up.

The next thing I need to do is scrape together enough money to go to the dentist and get this cleaning or filling that I need so that I can be dentally cleared. Since I do not need that to receive an invite, I think I will wait until I get my April paycheck.

Furthermore, I filled out a letter of intent stating that I will not return to my current teaching position. That experience made this journey real all over again. No more job security or a steady paycheck after August. So prayerfully I will leave August 2011.

I've worked so hard to accomplish this dream that I did not create a plan b and I don't want to!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Help! What should I ask My Placement Asst?

Two posts in one day, some of you should be very proud =)

Just a sidenote, I am nominated to serve as a youth development volunteer in Central or South America beginning August 2011. (I am praying my timeline is not delayed)

I also have to complete some kind of Spanish training in order to be competitive for my placement.

Anyways, my Placement Assistant emailed me like 2 weeks ago (I know I should have responded, but I had NO idea what to say). <--I had not even turned in my medical packet yet.

She thanked me for updating her team on the Spanish language skills I am requiring and asked me to email her at any point in which I have questions about the process.

Well I want to (especially now that I have turned my medical packet in) but I want to make sure that I ask her ALL the relevant questions I may have. This is where you guys come in.... hopefully

I know I want to thank her for the email and inform her about the fact that my medical packet has been sent in.

So far I know I want to ask:
1.) Do I have to take some kind of language test? If so, which test? As I wrap my first course I would like to gauge if I am prepared for the test or not.
2.) Should I continuously update you on my Spanish language acquisition?3

At this point, should I ask her any questions about the palcement process (especially since I have not been medically cleared yet?)

Thanks for your advice =)

Weddings && Thoughts

I attended a wedding this weekend that changed my views on servanthood.

(warning, I can be a litle hard on myself, I know, but there should be some valid questions here)

I want to serve, I know that I am called to serve...but how far am I really willing to go?

I saw the most amazing demonstration of Jesus' servanthood this weekend (the beautiful bride washed her husband's feet and dried them with her locs!!)

And for one thing...I'm glad I'm not married because I know I haven't met anybody that I know I want to do that for.

And as I had that thought, immediately, the guilt poured over me. Why haven't I met somebody like that? Better still, why wouldn't I do that for anybody?

If I believe He has called me to serve and love others, being Jesus' hands and feet, if thats what He did, why won't I?

Or will I? As I ponder and pray, pray and ponder, wonder and wander, comtemplate and suffocate my thoughts about the Peace Corps.... have I stretched my mind, my heart,& my humility to the point where I would do anything God called me to do to serve His people?

Time will tell. I'm just happy I'm praying over it now so that I can begin to build the capacity and humility to do whatever is required of me as a servant leader.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mailed My Medical Packet

I should be reading for class, studying Spanish, writing my seminar paper, or lesson planning...but how could I not share this info asap!!

Today was the day...unexpectantly... I called my doctor on the off chance that my results would be ready, and they were! Now if I could just persuade a family member to high tail it to their office so that I could stay at work to lesson plan....

Alas, with the gas prices, everyone suggested tat they could pick up my medical results on Tuesday or Wednesday, no one understood the importance or urgency of today. So like any eager Peace Corps applicant, I high tailed it for an hour to get to the doctor's office on time, ran home to pick up the rest of the medical packet, then dashed to the fed ex office. After spending 30 minutes there (random ridiculousness when people go to the fed ex store with 3 hungry kids) it was finally sent off. I even dared to ask for a signature because I read someone's blog that stated that their packet had been lost!!!! So I don't have any money, && I do have copies of everything, but I refuse to go through this experience again if I don't have to!

I've been to the doctors office more often in the past month than in the past 3 years and this has probably been the best example of exuding patience during this Peace Corps journey. This has been a surreal experience and I am so glad that this part of the journey is over (praying it will not be sent back to me) <-- matter of fact I won't even think like that, I will just bask in my next guaranteed experience....waiting to hear back from PC

Back to studying or heading to the gym, an exhausted yet ecstatic Peace Corps applicant

*celebrating the little moments*

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy 50 years

How could I not say Happy Birthday to the Peace Corps... Especially since I am (prayerfully) about to dedicate the next 27 months of my life to its missions. Final medical check up today so lets pray everything goes as planned =)