I figured that it was about time that I posted my timeline so that I could reflect and appreciate the journey I have already undertaken to get to this point && time.
2007-I wanted to apply but allowed myself to be talked out of it
2009-started the application but never completed it...however, in my 30 things to accomplish before 30, serving as a Peace corps Volunteer was at the top of the list.
10/12/2010- made the choice to complete the application
10/20/2010- asked 3 people that I love to complete a recommendation for me
10/25/2010-edited my personal statements with 2 people whom I love dearly
11/2/2010-submitted the application!!
11/6/2010-received an email from my recruiter stating that my application had been received; I would receive my fingerprint cards for the background check
11/8/2010-finally emailed off my transcripts (oops)
11/23/2010-sent my teaching license to my recruiter
11/30/2010-I receive an email from my recruiter stating that my portion of the paperwork is complete...
12/1/2010-my fingerprint cards were received and I will hear from my recruiter soon... I hear from him the same day but he is booked for interviews all the way through December!!
1/11/2011-interview with my recruiter. 2hours!! I took plenty of notes and he shared a couple of stories from his experiences. He asked if I wanted to do NGO development in Eastern Europe or Youth Development in Central America && I chose youth development =) he had to email the Country Director to see if I can be conditionally nominated because I took 4 years of Spanish over 6 years ago.
1/24/2011-My recruiter called me && told me that the Country Director said yes!! I'm officially nominated && I need to begin studying Spanish in order to be competitive for placement.
1/31/2011- my medical packet is mailed to me
2/1/2011- I schedule all of my appointments
2/7/2011- Eye doctor appointment... new frame cost me $200!!!!! #fml
2/10/2011-Dentist appointment (for free) courtesy of http://www.usa-icd.org/
2/14/2011-Doctor's visit #1 && 2 shots
2/16/2011-Doctor's visit #2 to see the results of shots
2/21/2011-Doctor's visit #3 for blood work
3/1/2011-Doctor's visit #4 for ps...&& my dental packet has been received by PC
3/4/2011-received my dental forms back stating that I need a cleaning before I can be cleared
3/7/2011-sent off my medical packet!!!!
3/9/2011-PC received my medical packet
3/16/2011- legally cleared
3/21/2011- medical update on PC toolkit; receive the letter 2 days later.... MNQ =(
I spent the next two weeks beginning the exhausting process of getting hospital paperwork, meeting with my doctor, writing a personal statement...sigh I don't even want to remember this experience in order to appeal my medical decision
4/1/2011 && 4/4/2011- faxed in over 40 pages of my medical appeal documents
4/5/2011-medical appeal granted! I may continue on the process!!
4/6/2011-my blood test was low so I had to redo it
4/11/2011- went to retake my blood test
4/14/2011- faxed my updated blood work in
4/15/2011-medically cleared =)
4/18/2011-sent placement my updated resume
4/20/2011-receive email from placement regarding my resume...my file will be looked at in the next several weeks....
5/10/2011-emailed placement an update in my activities, same day I get an email back stating that they will give me more programmatic info when they get it
5/20/2011- received an email from my placement assistant asking for an updated resume
5/25/2011-attended a Black RPCV/PCV/prospective PCV event in D.C.
5/26/2011- I emailed my placement assistant the correct resume
6/6/2011- first contact with placement specialist, final interview, and unofficial invitation
6/7/2011- I received my Big Blue Packet =)
6/8/2011-I accepted my invitation to serve in the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic as a Youth Development Promoter =)
6/14/2011- sent in resume and aspiration statement to the D.R. country desk
6/15/2011- sent in passport info; went to the dentist for 2 fillings $350 (yikes!)
6/16/2011- re-sent dental packet
6/20/2011- dental clearance
6/23/2011-sent in Visa
8/16/2011- Staging in VA
8/17/2011- First day in the Dominican Republic
10/26/2011- Sworn in as a Peace Corps Volunteer
1/31/2012-2/4/2012- 3 month In service training
6/18/2012-6/22/2012- in service Spanish training
11/14/2012-11/16/2012-1 year in service training
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