Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Its been a little while

I think the last time I posted a blog about what I’ve been up to projects wise was when I actually started my projects. Oops. So what have I been up to in the last month and a half? I’ve had a lot of successes (gracias a Dios), some failures, a lot of great times, and immeasurable learning experiences. I am really only focusing on 4 Peace Corps programs;  I think they will be the cornerstones of my service and the most rewarding initiatives for my community.

Chicas Brillantes: The 3 girls that I took the regional conference in February have really been a blessing. They run groups whenever I have to go out of town for meetings  and show up for every single program. They  model positive participation, energize the other girls, and motivate girls to come to the groups as well. My chicas groups have been running pretty smoothly and I think the girls are really starting to internalize the information because I am starting to see a shift in some of their actions. Some of the girls who started out really shy and didn’t want to participate are now raising their hands, sharing personal examples, and leading the way whenever it is time to do a dinamica. Additionally, a couple of my groups like to continue group by either having a reading club or doing step. I am really excited for the next couple of months because the girls are more comfortable sharing information with me and I am becoming more comfortable speaking Spanish in front of them. A lot of them also want to study at a university so I am hoping to learn more about the college application process here in order to support my girls on their journey. Doesn't this sound so familiar =)

Chicos Superman: I originally started out with 2 groups on two different days but I ended up combining the groups so that I could have a good solid group of 15 boys. They are energetic and we are on an anti-tigere journey because we tend to focus on topics that help them realize that women can do anything men can do. (viva mujeres!) I am enjoying doing activities with this group because they love any and everything! I am pretty excited for the Regional camp because I am hoping to get more ideas about science and outdoor activities to do with them.

Deportes para la Vida: I’m totally in love with this program because it reminds me a lot of the College Summit Rap Director curriculum. I was able to take 5 people from my community/organization to the training in late March and I had a ball. I learned a lot about my community members which will only strengthen the confianza I have within the community and I think they learned a lot about as me well. We went through the entire program as participantes and also practiced facilitating the different activities in preparation for becoming entrenadores within our respective communities. This program totally engages youth in an exciting and energetic way, as well as teaches them about positive decision making and HIV/AIDS prevention. So the major plan with this program is to do summer workshops with all of my graduated Chicas and Chicos groups, as well as jovenes from my barrio. The goal is to train them with this program which hopefully opens the door for Escojo mi Vida groups in the fall. Si Dios quiere!

Yo se Leer:  In working with Chicas and Chicos groups, I’ve realized that there are a large number of youth in my site who cannot read. It is pretty disheartening and it has prevented some of them from participating fully in group at times. I am hoping to create a safe space where they can start to learn how to read. This is definitely a major focus of mine so I am taking steps now to create a program for the fall. I am planning to start working with my target population in May so that we can just do a short term class, they can get comfortable with me and the set up of the program, and then it will be full steam ahead in September. Again si Dios quiere.

Also, I just held my first mini conference which was basically a health day for the older girls in my Chicas group. The day focused on the girls gaining an understanding of the human anatomy, menstrual cycle process, DPV introductory games about HIV/AIDS, A.B.C.s, nutrition, step, and girl talk. It was a jam packed mini conference and the event was really successful despite my stress level at the start of the day being at an all time high. But that is why I am so thankful to have some amazing friends serving with me because my lovely friends from the health sector Norma and James came to facilitate the charlas, 2 of my Deportes para la Vida entrenadores facilitated 2 games, and  Caleb brought a rockstar from his community who dropped some knowledge on my girls. I am thrilled that my girls had such a great time learning about their bodies and ways to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS.  I am planning 2 more days in April as well: one more for my younger Chicas groups and one for my Chicos group. Now that I have organzied one event, I am focused on improving the success in all my programs to follow.

I have the next 2 months to wrap up my Chicas and Chicos groups (of course I am trying to plan an awesome graduation for them as well!), plan my summer Deportes para la Vida camps, attend some conferences with my jovenes, and of course continue to explore this beautiful country by visiting other PC volunteers!

And finally...how am I doing personally? Well we all know I am an over planner and I am results oriented. but even with the impressive org (I mean I even have an org issued email address) I'm still learning to take everything one step at a time and do things my way. I'm also happy to have gotten started on my projects in my community because it is helping me grow more comfortable with Spanish. I've also done a bit of travelling over the past month and half and I have gone to 6 different friends' sites. I've been to the beach, celebrated graduations with friends, participated in the events of other volunteers, hosted volunteers in my site, and I've spent more time getting to know the amazing trabajadores of my organization.

I've caught myself reflecting on a question my triplet Ashlee asked me 2 months ago...am I present in every moment? I was unsure at the time of that skype call which probably meant no then. I had been so anxious about what my service would look like, how I may never ever get Spanish, and just caught up in over planning. But now, I truly feel as though I am living in every moment. I am genuinely enjoying my time here, I laugh often, let things roll off my back more easily, go out more, forgive more, and accept/embrace everything for what it is an amazing space to be in. I plan, but I am not tied to the plan; I am more flexible and accepting of the fact that nothing is certain. If nothing else, that has been a great lesson I've learned here while in the D.R. because I've become more at peace with just letting things be.

And since I am speaking about my personal world, I would like to thank all of my family and friends...in the States and here in the D.R. I am a better person for the people who helped me become who I am in the States as well as for the people who continually challenge, love, and help me shift out of my comfort zone here in the D.R. This Peace Corps experience is all about the people you meet and I am positive that I have developed even more life long friendships here in the D.R. which I am thankful to God for.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Pictures of the Last Couple of Months

Hey all,

I definitely owe you all a blog update soon and I promise you will have one by Tuesday. But I also promised to add pictures to show what I've been up to... so here they are... Enjoy! By the way these are not in date order...sorry!

50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps in the D.R. Some of my girls and I with our current Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams who is also a D.R. RPCV

Diona and I with Gail at dinner during the 50th Anny celebration. Thanks for paving the way for us Gail! 

 My birthday celebration in Dec. Thanks Rachelle for getting me an awesome cake!

 Loves of my life in the D.R. my mom, sisters, and niece here

 More of my fam with Rachelle, my host parents, sister and nieces and nephew

My Dominican parents....they take such good care of me!

 I went to Laila's site to check the graduation of her teacher trainer cohort...She did a fantastic job and check out the awesome cartulina Sabrill made!

 Sabrill and I enjoying Laila's scenery

 The wonderful women of the Calle program at Accion Callejera

 Volunteers of Centro Comunitario Accion Callejera

 Cooking locrio (rice, chicken, and vegetables) with my Sis Maribel

 My chicos Superman group...yes my Chicas Brillantes multiplicadoras are def amazing they help with every group I have!!

 fun in the sun!

 My chicas Brillantes group attempting to do the human knot

Some of my chicas presenting a dinamica

 Another group presenting a dinamica

Mamey girls love to have fun!

I went to visit Sam at the beginning of March for International Women's day. We did a charla about the first lady, taught the girls step, heard from professional women, and had a spaghetti dinner! It was a great time!

My chicas and I with the Chicas Brillantes Coordinators at the graduation/end of the Northern Regional Chicas Brillantes conference in early Feb. 

 oh yea, teaching Sam's girls about step!

 I don't do anything here without laughing

 I rode my first horse!!

 My team! The youth sector of 517-11-02 at our 3 month IST! All of us brought one project partner from our community...This training was at the end of January.

 Loves of my life: James, Sam, and I at the Chicas Brillantes regional conf

 Just me and my girls at the end of conference

 I told you I rode a horse...here is the proof!

 Feeling like I'm on top of the world in Jarabacoa

 the wonderful cartulina Norma made for my Chicas Sana mini conference in Santiago

Talking with the girls at the mini conference

Def my fav training so far in the D.R. Deportes para la Vida training! Its a program which has a lot of games that help youth learn about healthy decision making and HIV/AIDS prevention. I had a ball!! I was able to bring 5 people with me and we will be using this program to educate the youth in Santiago! Thats the goal!!

Well friends I hope you all enjoyed this peek into my world in the D.R!!