Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's been awhile

Hello everyone,

Its been awhile since I've been near a computer in which I could access this site. There have been a lot of highs and lows in this medical process thus far, I debated even blogging about it....but honestly, if some of you guys had not blogged about your own medical journey, my own experience would have been even more difficult. So in light of 'to whom much is given, much is required' I will share what has been happening over the past several weeks.

So that good or bad update form March 23 was a bad a update. The WORST possible update you could ever have. Seriously, I got a letter saying my allergy was so severe that I could not serve in the Peace corps. Not a one year deferral, or even a two year deferral.... NOT EVER!! Needless to say I was pretty devastated when I received this letter, and immediately called my mom (who isn't too thrilled about this but will always encourage me to pursue my dreams). So through a teary eyed convo with my mom, I learned that that my allergy wasn't really an allergy but I simply choked on some medicine. In order to still be considered for the Peace Corps, I had to send in a convincing appeal which would be reviewed by their medical board.

So what do I do? I drove to the hospital the next day, picked up ALL my files from my hospital visit over ten years ago, faxed it to my doctor who wrote me a letter (I waited for this letter for a week) and then faxed all of this (with a personal statement) to my PC nurse. She literally made a decision the same day and sent me a letter saying that my medical review can continue but she had an additional letter for me.

First thought: Yesssss thank GOD! Second thought: what else could they possibly need? Well actually they wanted a lot. They need a retest of one of my blood tests and several personal statements about my allergies to shellfish and garlic powder (don't ask about the latter one, its so weird) So I'm going to finish all this this week.

I am really THANKFUL that they started reviewing my file two weeks after it was in and that my nurse is SO on it. Even with all these mishaps, my medical file has still been in for only a month, hopefully I can wrap everything on my end this week. I'm just thankful to still have an opportunity to serve.

This medical process has reinforced my desire to serve in the Peace Corps. I see why people say the application process is a mini preview to serving. I've learned a lot about myself already and I've experienced the entire spectrum of emotions in this process. This is still my only plan so God willing I will be able to see it through.


  1. Kudos to you for not giving up! I had a similar experience as my mom had told me since I was little I was allergic to penicillin and amoxicillin (pretty bad considering I was nominated for SSA). Long story short, I ended up having to go through an 8 hour allergy test to prove I was not allergic to the cillin family (as my Drs called it) after all. Ugh! I feel your pain haha! But, I have completed everything and am awaiting my invitation, finally!

    1. Thanks! I see that you were just invited so congratulations! I hope you have an amazing Peace Corps experience because it sounds like journey to PC was full of medical trials. But it will all be worth it! Enjoy!
